The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work, by Jon Gordon


“There comes a point where my kindness is detrimental to all of us. If I don’t change you you’re not going to grow, and if you don’t grow you can’t help us grow” (pg 24).

“Stop being disappointed about where you are and start being optimistic about where you are going. Focus on the future. Move beyond yourself. Instead of focusing on your own problems, focus on healing others with theirs” (pg 25).

“Chronic Complainers - they’re not only hurting themselves but annoying everyone else” (pg 42).

“Let your complaints about problems move you to solutions” (pg 47).

In response to why South America, for all its natural wonders and resources, still lagged far behind North America in terms of prosperity and progress. The President of Argentina responded with, “I have come to the conclusion. South America was discovered by the Spaniards in search of gold but North America was settled by the Pilgrims in search of God” (pg 55).

“In the process of building a positive culture you had to let some energy vampires off the bus . . . one person can’t make a team, but one person can break a team” (pg 60).

A positive environment and culture do not “happen by osmosis. It happens by relentlessly focusing on our culture and weeding out negativity” (pg 76).

“Winning is just a goal and not the focus. Winning is the by-product of great effort, leadership, coaching, teamwork, and positive energy . . . if you lead with truth, success will follow” (pg 79).

“Once you have your principles in place, then you can align your strategies, actions, and processes with our principles” (pg 83).

“Employees should never complain to someone who is not able to help with a solution. Mindless complaining serves no purpose and only sabotages morale and performance. Mindless complaining cultivates negativity and adversely affects the complainer and the person being complained to” (pg 96).

Grade: B

As with most Gordon’s books, it is a simple read packed with nuggets of truth that won’t blow your mind, but it will for sure encourage and remind and inspire a way of living. It’s definitely worth the read.

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